Thursday, January 17, 2008

Book! Shrink! Helping????

Help For Hair Pullers is the name of the book.
Go and buy it. They have it on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
It's a great book. Really enlightening. Might not help stop pulling, but at least you won't feel so bad about it.

Tips from shrink:
I've been pretty bummed lately for a few reasons, so I've been doing quite shitty at my techniques.
He suggests muscle tensing. It's hard to explain, but I haven't really done it anyway.
Logging helps, but yesterday, I pulled like, 24 times at work. Horrible!
Having supportive people around is a big plus.
My boyfriend gently says my name if he sees me messing with my hair and I have him ask me everyday how I "did" which is code for "did you pull?"
Time will tell.


HotFudgeNubbins said...

question-does it bother your boyfriend at all that you pluck? i'm wondering b.c my bf doesn't care (unless i bring it up). i've asked him to ask me to "put the mirror down" if i've been at it for a while or for him to give me a heads-up when it's looking bad. he seems to not notice until i do when it's too late-no eyelashes and such (must be love haha) but it's kinda frustrating b.c it would help me a little more. especially since i give "permission" for him to ask if that enough so i won't take it the wrong way in my head. i dunno.
are you semi-ocd at all. i always wonder if there a conntection. i'm no Monk but most would call me "neat".
does the shrink want to get into your upbringing to use that as the reason for the trich at all? i know it's a control thing (like anorexia/bulima) for some with rough pasts. i know that why i started but it sure doesn't help me stop know why i started. oii vey!

Me said...

my boyfriend does not LIKE the fact that I cannot cut my hair or wear it down most times, but it's mostly because he sees how it affects me. he's really cool about it but he won't let me just sit by him and pull. he'll stop me right away, which is needed. i don't know if i'm OCD since i've never really been tested or whatever. i mean, i think i have OCD-like behaviors every once in a while (rearrange stuff on table at restaurant, etc.) but it isn't anything too noticable. i dont' really care about that though. i am just sick of having bald patches. which, by the way, are going away! booyah! (my upbringing really doesn't factor into my pulling, or much of other peoples, unless you witnessed a sibling at a young age...get that book i recommended, it is SUPER helpful!)